miðvikudagur, mars 11, 2009

Some more news from the cold country

I've decided to write in english for once... Week 3 at work and all seems to be going ok so far. It's very busy with new patients every half hour which I still think is madness! I must say I'm very jelous of everyone doing the norwegian program... I belive I saw Þorvaldur moaning about having an hour and a half to do assessments, 4 in one day! Try 18 half hour once... But the job is good and patients are the same everywhere (although I do seem to attract weird people) and the other physios/receptionists are nice. The only not so nice thing is how long it takes to get there...

David has been offered a promotion at his school but he hasn't decided what to do about it so watch this space!

We had a brilliant weekend, went to London on Saturday and met up with Sarah (who kindly put us put for the second time in two weeks time!!). Went to this cool Afgahn restaurant in Angel for lunch. Then went to Kate's 30th birthday in the evening at a Mexian bar which was very nice! (note to self: do not wear brand new 8cm heels when plan is to walk lots). On Sunday we went to Camden, looked at the markets, had some very nice food and then back to Winchester in the afternoon. Absolutely a great weekend!!

I think that is about it for now... I am still waiting for all the goss from the physio day in Iceland last friday by the way!!!

Take care, Guðný

2 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

virkar sem mjög skemmtileg helgi, og ég er btw að slefa úr öfund því þú fórst til Camden sem er besti staður á jörðu :D:D eða það finnst mér.. fyrir utan sveitina mína :P

Guðný sagði...

haha... já djöf. fílaði ég Camden, alltaf allir sagt mér að fara þangað en hef einhverra hluta aldrei gert fyrr en nú! Héðan af verður farið þangað reglulega;) þú getur alltaf komið í heimsókn og við skellum okkur:)